Final Project

Ashley Tucker
The Cover Page
Published in
1 min readDec 9, 2016


For our final we had to create our own assignment that we wanted to do. I have always wanted to make a video with all the lifting footage I take. I record my lifts because I want to check my form but I have always wanted to collaborate it together. Someone that really inspires me during my lifts is Dana Linn Bailey’s youtube videos. She links up her husband’s music to her lifts and it just really motivates me. I tried to keep the footage going with the beat like when he says “life” I tried to put a new clip every time. I also played around with reversing some of the clips, slowing down and speeding up in the beginning. I picked this particular song because in the beginning because he is talking and that goes perfectly with showing how I warm up before I start lifting. I decided to speed up my warming up since it is not the most interesting thing in the world. The video is not bad quality for being taken on a iPhone 6. I just wish I had all the videos going landscape or portrait. I wish I knew that in advance, that’s the only thing that really bothers me about the video. All in all, I am pretty happy with my video, enjoy!

My video:

